January 15, 2010

Paragraph 1.30

O Pen of Eternity! Grieve not at the things that have befallen Thee, for erelong shall God raise up a people who will see with their own eyes and will recall Thy tribulations. Withhold Thy pen from the mention of Thine enemies, and bestir it in the praise of the Eternal King. Renounce all created things, and quaff the sealed wine of My remembrance. Beware lest Thou become occupied with the mention of those from whom naught save the noisome savours of enmity can be perceived, those who are so enslaved by their lust for leadership that they would not hesitate to destroy themselves in their desire to emblazon their fame and perpetuate their names. God hath recorded such souls in the Preserved Tablet as mere worshippers of names. Recount then that which Thou hast purposed for this Temple, that its signs and tokens may be made manifest upon earth, and that the brightness of this Light may illumine the horizons of the world and cleanse the earth from the defilement of those who have disbelieved in God. Thus have We set down the verses of God and made plain the matter unto those who understand.

• It is such a refreshing concept to view the Entity that is being progressively manifested to humanity through various Manifestations of God as the “Pen of Eternity”. It reinforces the ongoing process of the revelation of the Word of God as being eternal -- time without end.

• Baha’u’llah foresees a time when God would have raised up “a people who will see with their own eyes and will recall Thy tribulations.” To “see” with one’s “own eyes” and to “recall” the “tribulations” of the Manifestation of God are two very interesting points to reflect on.

• We know that the Baha’i Faith upholds the principle of independent investigation of truth and that one needs to go through this process to become a Baha’i. For example:

"Among these teachings was the independent investigation of reality so that the world of humanity may be saved from the darkness of imitation and attain to the truth; may tear off and cast away this ragged and outgrown garment of 1,000 years ago and may put on the robe woven in the utmost purity and holiness in the loom of reality." (Abdu'l-Baha, Baha'i World Faith - Abdu'l-Baha Section, p. 285)

"The first is the independent investigation of truth; for blind imitation of the past will stunt the mind. But once every soul inquireth into truth, society will be freed from the darkness of continually repeating the past." (Abdu'l-Baha, Selections from the Writings of Abdu'l-Baha, p. 248)

"The first principle of Bahá'u'lláh is independent investigation of truth, that is, all the nations of the world have to investigate after truth independently and turn their eyes from the moribund blind imitations of the past ages entirely. Truth is one when it is independently investigated, it does not accept division. Therefore the independent investigation of truth will lead to the oneness of the world of humanity." (Shoghi Effendi, Japan Will Turn Ablaze, p. 35)

The Teachings also encourage us to continue with this process after we’ve become Baha’is to further free ourselves from “idle fancy and imitation” and to “look into all things with a searching eye.”:

"The essence of all that We have revealed for thee is Justice, is for man to free himself from idle fancy and imitation, discern with the eye of oneness His glorious handiwork, and look into all things with a searching eye." (Baha'u'llah, Tablets of Baha'u'llah, p. 156)

• The other important point that Baha’u’llah brings to our attention in this paragraph as the characteristic of these special “people” is their ability to “recall Thy [Baha’u’llah’s] tribulations”. Again a reminder for all of us that this is an important aspect of being a Baha’i. We briefly touched on this theme in the comments associated with Paragraph 5. It’s an important aspect of our individual process of spiritual growth and development, as Baha’u’llah reminds us in the Tablet of Ahmad.

• One of Baha’u’llah’s admonishment in this paragraph concerns those individuals who are “enslaved by their lust for leadership” and who “would not hesitate to destroy themselves in their desire to emblazon their fame and perpetuate their names.” He further mentions that the Manifestation of God can perceive “naught save the noisome savours of enmity” from such people. These are very powerful points to ponder as we remind ourselves that a believer’s goal in life is to “become as a reed, through which the spirit may descend” and to constantly guard oneself against the “the assaults of the selfish desires that whisper in men's breasts.” (Baha'u'llah, Gleanings from the Writings of Baha'u'llah, p. 245). The following quotes should be helpful in this regard:

"One should remember it is not the individual who confirms another, but the Holy Spirit which confirms. Thus the individual must become as a reed, through which the spirit may descend, and quicken souls. Thus the best way to develop capacity in teaching the Faith, is to teach. As one teaches, he gains more knowledge himself, he relies more on the guidance of the spirit, and expands his own character. This is why Bahá'u'lláh made it incumbent on all to teach the Faith." (From a letter written on behalf of the Guardian to an individual believer, November 24, 1956; Lights of Guidance, p. 599)

"Consecration, devotion, dedication, humility are essential, that the Holy Spirit may use you as a reed for the diffusion of Its creative rays." (From a letter dated 15 July 1956 written on behalf of Shoghi Effendi to an individual believer; Compilation, The Individual and Teaching - Raising the Divine Call, p. 36)

• Another point to keep in mind is that those people who are “enslaved by their lust for leadership”, and who “would not hesitate to destroy themselves in their desire to emblazon their fame and perpetuate their names”, are being “recorded” in God’s “Preserved Tablet” as “mere worshippers of names.”
• It is also very encouraging to take note of Baha’u’llah's explanation regarding what God has “purposed” to happen during Baha’u’llah’s Dispensation:

o To “manifest upon the earth” “its signs and tokens”;
o To “illumine the horizons of the world” with the “brightness of this Light”; and
o To “cleanse the earth from the defilement of those who have disbelieved in God.”