"Say: The measure of all created things hath been appointed in this concealed and manifest Temple, wherein lie enshrined the knowledge of the heavens and the earth, and of all things past and future. The finger of God's handiwork hath inscribed upon this Tablet that which the wisest and most learned of men are powerless to fathom, and hath created therein temples inscrutable to all save His own Self, could ye but apprehend this truth. Blessed be the one who readeth it, who pondereth its contents, and who is numbered with them that comprehend!"
• Reflecting on our understanding that one of the references to “Temple” is with respect to the Manifestation of God, for example in Paragraph 1.17 where we read: “O Living Temple! Arise by the power of Thy Self in such wise that all created things will be moved to arise with Thee,” in this paragraph we become further educated by Baha’u’llah that:
o The Manifestation of God is both “concealed and manifest”;
o “The measure of all created things hath been appointed” in the Manifestation of God; and that
o In the Manifestation of God “lie enshrined the knowledge of the heavens and the earth, and of all things past and future.”
• Furthermore, we are reminded in this paragraph, once again, by our Lord that the contents of this Tablet are far far beyond our limited ability to fully understand as human beings:
“The finger of God's handiwork hath inscribed upon this Tablet that which the wisest and most learned of men are powerless to fathom, and hath created therein temples inscrutable to all save His own Self…”
We need to humbly bow down (mentally, emotionally and of course, spiritually) with respect to this realization!
• It appears that a heart-felt acknowledgement of one’s powerlessness “to fathom” the “handiwork” that the “finger of God” has “inscribed upon this Tablet”, while he/she is reading and reflecting upon its contents, will attract His blessings and grace:
“Blessed be the one who readeth it, who pondereth its contents, and who is numbered with them that comprehend!”
• How much more to be thankful for!?